Laser & IPL Treatments Explained

Light-based therapy is the term given to treatments involving the use of devices that emit light, such as a high-powered laser, intense pulsed light (IPL), light emitting diodes (LEDs) and healing laser.

What is a LASER?

LASER is an acronym for:
Amplification by
Emission of
In terms of laser light, radiation is an expression of energy transmission. It is not connected with radioactive material or ionised radiation.

High-powered Laser and Intense Pulsed Light

For permanent hair reduction, we use high-powered laser or advanced  intense pulsed light systems. Both systems offer fast and effective ways of reducing hair growth permanently.
Our experienced practitioners are trained to use optimum parameters for a variety of hair and skin types to ensure maximum safety and efficacy.
IPL is particularly versatile system. It can be used for photo rejuvenation and pigmentation treatments as well as permanent hair reduction.

Light-emitting Diodes (LEDs)

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have been used in conjunction with healing lasers for many years. However, LEDs have recently come into their own as a lower-cost alternative to pulsed light and healing laser for photo rejuvenation and acne treatments.

How Laser/IPL Work

Laser and IPL work on a process known as selective photo thermolysis - heating specific targets through the absorption of light. 
Effective hair removal is achieved by using laser light or pulsed light of a specific wavelength that is absorbed by melanin, which gives hair its colour.
The conduction process transfers heat in the hair to adjacent cells, including those of the papilla and hair bulb. Killing the cells prevents the follicle from producing further hair growth, effectively removing the hair growing potential of the follicle. 
Optimum results are obtained when the hair colour is significantly darker than the skin.

Advantages of Laser & IPL

Unlike electrolysis, which treats one hair at a time, laser and IPL can treat a much larger area - like a back or legs - in 10-15 minutes. Hair growth can be reduced 50-80% with six to eight treatments. Laser/IPL is less painful than electrolysis and waxing.

Who is Suitable for Laser/IPL Treatment?

Both technologies can treat a wide range of hair colours and skin tones. Your suitability for treatment will be determined by a number of factors, such as skin type and whether your skin is tanned. White or grey hairs cannot be treated. The practitioner will assess your suitability at the initial consultation. Clients are required to follow some pre- and post-treatment requirements.

Does Laser/IPLTreatment Hurt?

Most clients liken the feeling of the treatment to being flicked with an elastic band. For those who may find this feeling uncomfortable or disconcerting, a topical anaesthetic can be applied to numb the treatment area. In most cases, this is not necessary.

Pre-treatment Requirements

You will need to keep out of the sun and stop using self-tanning lotions or solariums for at least one month before a treatment. Some medications can produce a photosensitive reaction to pulsed light/laser treatments. People taking such medications should not undergo pulsed light/laser treatment.

Post-treatment Care

A healing gel is applied to desensitise the skin after treatment. The sun, heated environments and harsh skincare products should be avoided for four to six weeks after treatment. 

IPL treatment


Laser hair removal


Healing laser treatment


IPL hair reduction


Healing Laser

Laser therapy involves the use of a healing laser. It is particularly effective when used in conjunction with our Natural Medi-Solutions range of advanced skincare and herbal products.
Light from a healing laser can replace the use of needles in acupuncture.
This is a decided advantage for children and patients who suffer from needle phobia.
A healing laser has another distinct advantage. It produces a chemical effect that can remodulate the site of disease or injury to amplify the healing process that the stimulation of acupuncture points achieves.
This phenomenon is due to the interaction between tissue and laser light. This process in turn activates macrophages that absorb noxious agents and support healing processes, improves the activity of mast cells that aid collagen synthesis, supports improved production of specific enzymes, and boosts the immune system. 
A healing laser provides natural, safe treatments that penetrate the deepest layers of the skin to produce a long-lasting effect.
Healing lasers are ultra-safe. They do not burn the skin, are non-invasive and produce no pain or side effects.
Patients generally see an instant improvement. This allows patients to return to work or take part in special social events immediately after treatment.
Laser light produces a progressive effect. By integrating wholistic Chinese medicine concepts with laser/light medicine that penetrates to the deepest layers of the skin, we are able to provide a more permanent effect than any other treatment on the market.
For unparalleled results, you owe it to yourself to try our laser therapy.
Laser therapy - sometimes called laser medicine, photo-biomodulation or photo-biostimulation - refers to the therapeutic use of lasers.
Although a comparatively new modality in Australia, light therapy is a widely accepted treatment in Europe, particularly Eastern Europe.
Many laser researchers and practitioners believe that healing lasers have an untapped potential in healthcare. Studies have established that healing lasers have no undesirable side effects in the hands of a trained therapist.

Sterile, Painless

Laser therapy is sterile, painless and often less expensive than other forms of treatment. Healing lasers are effective against herpes and zoster, and many dermatological and muscular-skeletal conditions.
They are particularly effective for pain management. Best of all, healing lasers have none of the adverse side effects sometimes associated with pharmacological treatments.
Pharmacological side effects in rheumatic therapy are severe and can lead to the need for additional therapy and costs. In contrast, laser therapy provides a treatment that is free from side effects.

Scientific Studies

The scientific literature on therapeutic lasers is extensive, encompassing some 2,500 titles, including congressional reports and abstracts.

Conditions That Laser Therapy Can Treat

Bone Regeneration
Gynaecological Conditions
Muscle Regeneration
Plantar Fascitis
Tinnitus/Vertigo/Meniere's Disease
Acne Systica
Psychosomatic Problems
Wrinkles/Skin Conditions
Spinal Cord Injuries
Nerve Conduction
Salivary Glands
Cardiac Conditions
Low Back Pain
Nerve Regeration & Function
Allergic Rhinitis
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Wound Healing
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Duodenal/Gastric Ulcer
Herpes Simplex
Cerebral Palsy
Immune System Modulation
Morbus Sluder
Ophthalmic Conditions
Sports Injuries
Dental Conditions
Blood Pressure
Crural and Venous Ulcers
Inner Ear Conditions

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